Healthy Living

"Health is Wealth"; absolutely correct!!!

Oh must be wondering whats new in this? Its an old saying...right???

Then why do we at at times consider it at the end??
 Why not start take care of yourself an your loved ones from the very beginning? 
Why do we wait to get sick or experience pain?
To take care of oneself,one needs to understand its body..what all does it need???How it works??
And above all what factors is our health dependent on?

Ok...lets start with this..What is health?

Is being strong...healthy?
Is being fit.... healthy?
Is being free from diseases...healthy??? do adds to your health but not only this..

"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."

The English word "health" comes from the Old English word hale, meaning "wholeness, a being whole, sound or well,".

Some interdependent factors which can determine/effect our health can be:
  • Where we live
  • The state of our environment
  • Genetics
  • Our income
  • Our education level
  • Our relationship with friends and family
They can also be characterised under:
  • Lifestyle : Its in our control;our social circle;what we do,what we eat,a person's decisions and behavior.
  • Environmental conditions :Individual has little or no control over it;the place we live,the air we breathe,chemical exposure etc.
  • Biomedical : Whether physical or mental,our genetics(traits inherited from our parents) contribute to our health.
To understand our health we must understand ourself.Each individual is different,with different abilities and disabilities,let it be emotional or physical.Accept yourself the way you are..whether others do or not..when we learn to accept ourselves,we learn to take care of our health.

Love yourself,love your health and enjoy your life
Balanced food, fresh air, exercise, good posture, plenty of rest, pure water, cleanliness, regular check-ups at the docture and dentist – all helps keep our body machines running as they should.A fit person is also more resistant to illnesses. The simplest way of keeping fit is by exercising regularly.  

Lets get started:

Healthy diet:

Daily calorie needs:

Basics to lose weight:

Small changes in diet can make a big difference:

Healthy cheats:

Health myths and facts...coming soon!!!

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